Earth Historical Resources
Page history
last edited
by PBworks 18 years, 5 months ago
- RPG Creation Resources - Relevant Items From Earth's History
- This is a discussion center focused on the history of the Earth as a source for setting creation and gamesmastering techniques from a story telling perspective.
Ideas & Topics
- Topic Idea: Using Medieval History as a Source for RPG Campaigns
- Please make any suggestions as to topics you would like to discuss. Topics should be related to creation of RPGs, settings and scenarios for the same.
Social Dynamics
- The Nature of Nobility
- The Feudal Social Order
- Chivalry
- Religion
- Religion in History
- Religion in Politics
- Religious Wars
- The Rise of Nation-States
- Enforced Servitude: Slavery and Serfdom
- More To Come Soon.
- Gold & Silver - the basis of Civilization (based on writings of Alexander Del Mar)
- Gold - the foundation of Civilization - The Myths and Realities
- Fiat Money and the necessity of Silver Coins
- How the Economy necessarily depends on stable Government
- Schemes and Conspiracies
- Gold and War
- Gold and Exploration
- More to come soon.
Arms and Equipment
- Arms and Armor of various periods
- Ancient: Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, Ancient Mesoamerican
- Medieval: Europe, The Middle East, Asia, Japan
- Renaissance: Italy, France, Germany
- Industrial: Europe, America
- More to come soon.
Earth Historical Resources
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